Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Switch ON
If a switch is on, then turn it off and back on - the mechanism can trip inside the box but not move the actual switch. If this does not restore the supply then push the 'push to test' button. If the switch now trips it means you have a problem with your wiring or perhaps a faulty appliance as the this button can only trip the switch if you have a good electricity supply. The switch will now be in the off position. This is a problem within your home, so do not call your supplier. You will need to call a qualified electrician to come out and fix the problem.

If the switch is on and the 'push to test' button doesn't trip the switch, this means that there is no incoming electricity supply so you will need to call your suppliers emergency line.

Switch OFF

If when you go to the box, a trip switch is off, then you should flick it back on. If it stays on but you still have no electricity, then make sure you have not switched off the main fuse box switch. If the switch trips straight away then it means you have a problem with your wiring - you should call out a qualified electrician to look into this.

If the fuse box and trip switch are separate then turn off the fuse box and turn the trip switch back on - it should stay on. If it flicks to off again then there is a fault with the fuse box or trip switch itself.

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